Obama satire created by a Romanian origin boy, banned in an American school
Portland school director banned a satire imagined by a young adolescent for a young talents show representing Barack Obama. The show put up by the young boy, of Romanian origin, adopted by a gay couple, was considered unsuitable and offensive, The Oregonian daily reads.
Dru Lechert Kelly, aged 11 dressed up in a suit and wore a mask with Obama’s face while dancing and singing „I can do Whatever I like” which quickly became popular on YouTube. During rehearsals, Dru played his satire and both parents and professors considered it offensive. School director Steve Power refused to give out any declarations for the newspaper.
The boy declared that he was encouraged to give up the mask in order to be able to perform. He declared that the satire was useless without the mask. Scott Lechert and Paul Kelly adopted Dru in 1999 from a Romanian orphanage when the boy was only 1 year and a half. The two parents helped the boy rehearse for years, they declared for the daily.