Penal complaint against PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu, Education minister Adomnitei and Finance minister Vosganian
- Redactia Hotnews
Spiru Haret Federation submitted an official penal complaint against PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu, Education minister Cristian Adomnitei and Finance minister Varujan Vosganian. They are accused of misleading the public opinion and instigated other professional categories against teachers, Romanian news television Realitatea TV informs. Complaints were submitted at the National Anti-Graft Department and at the Court.
At the beginning of the month, PM Tariceanu declared that the bill passed in the Parliament on the 50% teachers’ wages increase reflects a super-populist attitude before the elections and it is an unsustainable measure due to lack of funds.
Tariceanu declared that due teachers must understand that logically, it is impossible to sustain such an enormous salary increase. He added that the Parliament should be more responsible when voting bills with no financial cover.
Romania’s House of Deputies adopted on Tuesday, in unanimity, the 15/2008 ordinance that rules a 50% salary increase for teachers. Education minister, Cristian Adomnitei, present at the vote, cast a favorable vote even if a few days later he declared that he firmly opposes the bill.