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What the newspapers say: June 17, 2009

Romanian Lottery has been paying hundreds of million euros for a contract considered invalid. Elsewhere in the news, the leader of the Liberal-Democratic Party said the current PM Emil Boc is the second PD-L choice for the presidential campaign, should President Basescu refuse to candidate. Romanian Secret Services whisper into Basescu’s year the right information for fighting the economic crisis. Last but not least, the only biography Gabriel Garcia Marquez tolerates will be launched in Bucharest at Bookfest, Romanian book-fair.

Romanian Lottery has been paying hundreds of million euros, starting 2003, for a contract considered invalid by Commercial Law specialists, Cotidianul reads. Greek company Intralot and its Romanian subsidiaries Intracom and Lotrom are benefiting 75% of the video-lottery’s income. The contract contravenes the Civic Law.

Intracom and Intralot credited the Lottery to buy computers and set up the video-lottery. Lotrom was hired to sell the Lottery computers and install the equipments. But the total amount of the investment is not mentioned in any contract. The loan sum, the applied interest value and the finance costs are not stipulated. The total price for the equipment and the complete list with the equipment are not addressed in the contract, either. Therefore, Commercial Law experts consider the contract, which bounds the Lottery to pay the Greek company 75% of its income for 10 years, to be invalid. Plus, the Romanian Lottery committed an illegal act by signing the contract without bidding.

Leader of the Liberal-Democratic Party Vasile Blaga said current PM Emil Boc is the second PD-L choice for the presidential campaign should incumbent President Traian Basescu refuse to candidate, Gandul reads. The lib-dem nicknamed „the bulldog” made a dramatic statement in response to PDS leader Mircea Geoana’s urging the Coalition’s social democrats to leave the Government session in case Basescu will attend. Blaga said that those who would follow Geoana’s advice will be sacked instantly and there will be another Government: Boc II.

Blaga is convinced that Elena Basescu’s candidacy for MEP is a happy experiment. On the downside, Blaga said he was annoyed by the „slave party” image PD-L had, but declared himself to be dedicated to the party.

Romanian Secret Services (SRI) whisper into Basescu’s year the right tips in fighting the economic crisis, according to Cotidianul. SRI are the President’s main economic forecast and analysis body, in the absence of a specialised authority, the publication goes on to say. Romania’s Central Bank is also mailing the Presidency with economic analysis.

Sources from the Presidential Administration declared for the newspaper that the Integrated Information of the National Community Authority (CNI) is collecting economic reports from most of the state institutions, particularly from the Secret Services. The documents are included in the daily presidential dossier.

CNI was set up by Basescu in 2005, after three Romanian journalists had been kidnapped in Iraq. The organisation has to summarise various information for the president, regarding military, strategic and economic issues. Basescu does not rely entirely on the small Economic Department from the Presidential Administration.

His ex-economic councillors, Theodor Stolojan and Bogdan Chiritoiu, left the position one by one. The role presently belongs to Bogdan Bujor. Basescu accused that during the PDL-UDMR Government, he was often misinformed about the real economic situation.

SRI chief George Cristian Maior stated publicly in April his discontent with the triviality in the way important information was treated. „This crisis showed a certain incapacity the governmental systems had in anticipating, forecasting and correctly analyse the economic problems in the massive economic news influx, which was essential in preventing this international shock partly at the end of 2008”.

Bookfest, Romanian book-fair, is celebrating its fourth edition in Bucharest, Romexpo, Adevarul informs. The book festival project was initiated by the Romanian Editors Association (AER). Over 25,000 titles can be bough at discount prices until June 21. The festival will also feature Romanian Writers Union awards, projections from TIFF Transilvania Film Festival and live performances of bands like The Amsterdams, Byron, Grimus and Alexandrina Hristov.

The VIP books of this festival are Oana Pellea’s „Jurnal” (Diary), an interview book by Lucia Hossu Longin – „Face to face with General Ion Mihai Pacepa” (maybe best guarded Romanians in the US), „Zuhani” – Chinese novel translated in Romanian for the first time, „How I Became Stupid”- introduced personally by author Martin Page, „Independence Day” – written by the Romanian- American Richard Ford, winner of Pulitzer prize and PEN/Faulkner Award, „The House at Riverton” by Kate Morton, „Yakuza Moon”, by Shoko Tendo, „Romanian History illustrated” and many others. Gerladin Martin will launch in Romania „Gabriel Garcia Marquez: a life”, the only biography Marquez tolerates.