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Nokia drops yet another non-productive activity in Bochum, Germany

Nokia announced on Monday it was negotiating to sell the production line of personalized mobile solutions for vehicles it runs in Bochum, Germany, with private investment fund Equity Partners GmbH and the former manager of the division, Razvan olosu, Reuters reports. The division has a production unit in Germany. Nokia officials underlined that the personnel of the division would be able to transfer to the new company by the end of the transaction.

The Finnish producer announced its intention to drop this division the same time it announced the sale of its factory in Bochum. At the time, Nokia said it was negotiating the sale of the business with Sasken Technologies.

A Nokia press release on January 15 said that following the transfer of production from Bochum to other factories in Europe the company also planned to stop any other non-production activities it was running in Bochum.

It is expected that a deal over the mobile solutions for vehicles line – which Nokia says will not result in lay-offs – will be concluded before the end of the year.