Opposition wins in 2008 Budget negotiations
Record amounts of money for Agriculture, education and local administration in areas led by the main opposition party, Social Democrats (PSD): this is, in a rough description, the state budget structure for 2008. The budget law draft was approved by the Parliament on Thursday, after two days of fast-forward debates and amendments approved on a roll. PSD obtained 2.4 billion RON (1 euro = 3.55 RON) for the counties led by its party members.
The budget law draft was adopted with 249 votes in favor and 93 against. The social insurance budget was approved with 342 votes in favor and only two abstentions. Governing Liberals voted against the state budget draft, considering it as unrealistic, unsustainable and not grounded”.
PSD imposed, besides the sums for its electoral regions, the following measures:
– a 10% wage increase for professors;
– supplementary funds for student scholarships;
– expanding the free lunch program in schools up to the eighth grade;
– the possibility for retired people to exchange free train tickets for cash;
– the increase of subsidized tickets for watering places;
– the increase of wages for handicapped people’s assisting personnel;
– a nine million RON increase of the Senate’s budget;
– the maintaining of bonuses for public servants employed in examination commissions for job contests.