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What the newspapers say: July 14, 2010

All newspapers on Wednesday read about the shocking death of Romanian artist Madalina Manole who presumably committed suicide. Elsewhere in the news, IT companies and call centers are offering thousands of jobs, even during the crisis. 80% of the medical students are decided to leave the country and work abroad.

All newspapers read about the shocking death of the Romanian artist Madalina Manole. She was found on Wednesday morning in her family’s household in Otopeni. The incident was called in by the artist’s husban, Mircea Petru.

From the first information available, it turns out that the artist may have killed herself. Madalina Manole should have been celebrating her 43rd birthday today.

Elsewhere in the news, the only companies to hire in times of crisis, according to Romania libera are IT companies and call centers. Bucharest is not the only region in the country that offers many jobs: there are many IT companies that moved in the center of Romania and West Romania.

Outsourcing companies seem to flourish in times of crisis and such companies come to Romania because potential clients do not like the Punjabi accent. Moreover, specialized companies cut costs even more during the time of crisis. A call center operator, who works 8 hours/day can win about 350-400 euro while if they work at night, they can win about 500-600 euro/months.

In IT companies, the salary of a programmer can reach up to 5,000 euro depending on the knowledge of the employee. The financial sector is not as active as before, but credit institutions still hire hundreds of people.

Compared to the pre-crisis time, banks are looking for IT personnel or banking counsellors.

Last but not least, Cotidianul reads that 80% of the medicine students plan to work abroad after finishing their dtudies. This year, the Medicine University expects a higher number of students due to the demand of doctors in the EU.

EU countries at the moment have a 150,000 medical personnel deficit which appeared after the European Directives that regulates the doctor’s workload. It was established that doctors can only have one call guard per week, with a free day after the guard and the number of operations in a week limited, for the safety of the patients.

Thus, each EU countries was compelled to reconsider its health system. Romania’s entrance in the EU brought about a recognition of medical diplomas. This also lead to more openness and more foreign students that come to Romania for their medical studies. Foreign students pay 5000 euro per year.