VIDEO Șocant: Zeci de afgani se agață de un avion militar în timp ce decola din Kabul și apoi cad în timpul zborului
- Redactia Hotnews
Imagini dramatice de pe aeroportul din Kabul, unde sute de afgani disperați să părăsească țara capturată de talibani fug pe pistă și se agață de fuselajul unui avion militar american ce se pregătea de decolare. Zeci de persoane se agață de avion, iar la scurt timp după decolare se observă cum cad spre pământ. Atenție, imagini cu un puternic impact emoțional!
This is simply insane and staggering. Desperate Afghans hanging onto U.S. Air Force aircraft taking off at #Kabul airport. Unreal scenes.
— Rayane Moussallem (@RioMoussallem) August 16, 2021
Additional footage has started circulating of locals sitting on the C17 wheel apron earlier today as she taxied the runway in #Kabul, #Afghanistan
— Aurora Intel (@AuroraIntel) August 16, 2021
In a desperate attempt to leave #Afghanistan, people are hanging on to the tires and the wing of the plane. Watch horrifying video of people falling from a flight takeoff at #Kabul Airport
— WION (@WIONews) August 16, 2021
#Kabul airport: Three young men who were holding themselves tightly in the tires of an airplane fell on top of people’s houses. One of the locals confirmed this and said that the fall of these people made a loud and terrifying noise.
— Shiraz Hassan (@ShirazHassan) August 16, 2021
A shocking incident from #Kabul! Two persons are falling out of a #US military plane in mid-air.#Taliban #PrayForAfghanistan #Afghanistan #KabulHasFallen #Talibans
— Maham Qureshi ❁ (@iMahamQureshi) August 16, 2021