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PwC report: Romania will contribute by 22 billion American dollars to the growth of the constructions sector in the upcoming 10 years

Romania will contribute by 22 billion American dollars to the growth of the constructions sector in the upcoming 10 years, representing the fourth biggest contribution in Central and Eastern Europe after Russia, Turkey and Poland but it will have even a bigger contribution than Czech Republic, Ukraine and Hungary to the world’s growth, a press release of the local PricewaterhouseCoopers branch remitted to HotNews reads.

Central and Eastern Europe will be the second most dynamic emerging country for the constructions sector in 2010-2015 with an annual growth of 7.9%, a report of the Global Construction Perspectives and Oxford Economics reads. According to the document, the increase of important economies in Asia and the recovery of the American market will be the two most important growth factors in the constructions sector for the next 10 years.

Companies must decide how to best use their talents and develop the best alliances to benefit the growth opportunities in the sector, PwC Romania Partner Brian Arnold said.