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What the newspapers say: May 3, 2011

Romania can finance on its own, it does not need the IMF or World Bank money. Romanians in Syria requested details to the Romanian Embassy in Damascus regarding the travelling alert announced by the Romanian Foreign Affairs ministry. Romanians are ready for Eurovision. Over 40 institutions across Romania open their gates all night for visitors, part of the Museums Night event.

Romania libera quotes Romania’s representative to the IMF, Mihai Tanasescu saying that Romania will not get loans from foreign creditors, part of the precautionary agreement signed with the IMF, EC and WB.

There are enough aspects and elements that make me believe this mission will be a success, Tanasescu said. He added that Romania can finance itself and that it does not need the IMF or WB money.

An IMF mission lead by Jeffrey Franks evaluates for the first time, as of April 27 to May 9 the new precautionary agreement with Romania. The IMF evaluation is conducted in collaboration with EC and World Bank teams.

Evenimentul Zilei reads that recent violence in Syria started to create panic among Romanians living there. 20 Romanians requested details from the Romanian Embassy to Damascus about the decision of the Romanian Foreign Affairs ministry to issue a travel alert for Syria.

Romania’s Foreign Affairs ministry recommends Romanians to avoid trips to Syria and to those living there, to leave the area by using commercial flights available. Meanwhile, hundreds of Syrian citizens crossed the frontier to Lebanon, fleeing the violence.

Evenimentul Zilei reads Romania is ready for Eurovision as Hotel FM, the band that represents our country to Eurovision 2011 left yesterday for Dusseldorf. Romania is scheduled for the semi-final on May 12 and will rehearse on the official stage tomorrow and on the 8th.

Artists will meet the press and attend the official opening gala. With this occasion, the band will perform for the Romanians settled there. Before leaving, Gabriel Baruta, band member said that they have no emotions for the big event, that they are eager to prove that they have a great song.

Romania’s public television will air live on May 10, 12 and 14 starting 10 PM all three competitions.

Gandul reads that over 40 institutions across country will open their gates to visitors all night on MAY 14, part of the Museums Night event with special events and exhibitions quoting the website dedicated for the event in Romania

The Museums Night is a successful event initiated by the French Culture ministry and it already reached its seventh edition. This year, the event is organized under the patronage of UNESCO. About 3,000 museums across Europe is part of the event and in Romania 40 institutions are attending.

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