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What the newspapers say: June 15, 2009

Press focuses on the day the censorship motion is voted or the Government faces reshuffle. A 7,000 people human chain will circle the building of the Parliament. Elsewhere in the news, Romania is inviting itself in South Stream. Last but not least, a US report reads that Romania is an origin, transit and destination state for people trafficked for forced labour, prostitution and begging.

Adevarul focuses on the day when either salaries and pensions are cut, or the Boc Cabinet fails. If the MPs decide today to vote the censorship motion against the Cabinet’s austerity measures – which will axe 25% off salaries and 15% off pensions – the present Government will undergo reshuffle. The Liberal-Democrats (PDL), the main party in power, will vote against the motion, with tickets „on display”. But even PD-L members accuse PM Boc’s lack of transparency. Boc promised to consult them in the future, but even so, one PD-L member, well-known media person and fresh deputy, announced to vote in favour of the censorship motion. She expects to be excluded from the party.

Gandul informs that 7,000 will circle the building of the Parliament on the day the censorship motion is voted. 20,000 people will take turn to secure the human chain. They will hold banners with logos criticising the Government. 250 union members will take part at the voting in the Parliament. The union leaders called on the people of Bucharest to join them. 4 big screens will be displayed outdoors, showing the debates in the Parliament.

Evenimentul Zilei informs that Romania is inviting itself in the South Stream, the Russian gas project. Romanian officials are present today in Moscow, with Economy minister Adriean Videanu heading the group, and have announced that Gazprom is interested in taking Romania on board of the project. Romgaz Medias general manager said he will approach the issue of gas deposits. According to him, the route through Bulgaria makes the pipe 300 kilometres longer and noted that any decision taken today will be a political one. Romania is taking advantage of the Russian-Bulgarian relationships growing colder, after Bulgarian Foreign Affairs minister announced Bulgaria’s main interest is Nabucco and that South Stream raises question marks.

Romania Libera focuses on the US State Department’s rapport informing that Romania is incapable of stopping human traffic. According to the document, Romania is a state of origin, transit and destination for men, women and children trafficked mainly for forced labour, but women and children are also used for sexual exploitation. These are trafficked towards Spain, Italy, The Czech Republic, Greece, Finland, Germany, Great Britain, Cypress, Australia, France and the United States. Most victims identified in 2009 have been trafficked for forced labour. Romania is destination for a small number of women from The Republic of Moldova, Columbia and France, who are forced into prostitution.