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What the newspapers say: March 5, 2008

The secret of Polichinelle was revealed: the Opposition wants early elections. And what a fine day would today have been for elections, since the railroad traffic is shut, workers going on strike. With everyone at home, some may have voted after all!. In other news: a presidential counselor was found making business with a controversial energy company. No problem, other newspapers explain why: even the president earns less than the judges…

„The secret Social Democrat strategy for the elections” is the main headline in Cotidianul. According to the newspaper, which seems to have found a secret document with the party, the Opposition wants early elections and a collaboration with the governing Liberals, in order to be able to fight the influence of president Traian Basescu. All is well and this might have been news, but the Social Democrat leader, Mircea Geoana, met Prime Minister Calin Popescu Tariceanu almost a month ago, just to discuss all the above.

Speaking of the presidency – Evenimentul Zilei also discovers an old scandal: a presidential counselor received tens of thousands of euro from Energy Holding (nicknamed „the wise guys’ company”), as advertising funds for a local TV station.

No wonder the poor counselor ahs to make business with the wise guys: the president himself earns 630 euro less that the Constitutional Court president (who gets at the end of the month some 3,074 euro) Gandul reads..

In other news:

– The Romanian Railroad Company (CFR) goes on strike for two hours on Wednesday (Evenimentul Zilei)

– The strike at the Romanian Railroad Company is immoral (Gandul)

– The plane that should have brought back the Romanian troops in Iraq broke down, so the soldiers can’t return home (Gandul)