Deloitte: online advertising to grow by 50% in 2008
A Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu study regarding the prospects of the media market in 2008 shows that the Romanian market will grow considerably this year, in pace with the international trends. According to the study, online advertising will grow by 50%, after it reached 10 million euro in Romania last year.
The document shows that at least one cable company will introduce the new digital IP option in Romania by the end of the year.
Forecasts related to the fast growth of the Romanian media market are even more optimistic than global ones, Enterprise Risk Services Manager at Deloitte Romania Radu Herinean says, quoted in a press release.
However, in terms of fighting internet piracy, Herinean says that Romania will most probably be classed below international averages even if Romania’s legislation gets tougher.
Deloitte Central Europe partner Dariusz Nachyla says that the main targets of the media market for 2008 will be to reduce energy consumption and further develop the television and internet networks.