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PM maintains position regarding Romanian troops pullback from Iraq

The Romanian PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu maintained his position on Friday regarding the pullback of the Romanian troops from Iraq, after the Supreme Defense Council together with the Romanian president rejected the proposal coming from the Ministry of Defence.

Romania is an independent country and the deployment of Romanian troops beyond the country’s borders represents a political option, which must be debated upon. Hence, the PM has the right to start a discussion on this topic according to the prerogatives granted by the law, Tariceanu has stated in a news conference.

Tariceanu maintained his position as leader of the Liberal Party and PM of Romania, and said he would attempt to organize a referendum on the topic so that the decision rested with the people. He also accused president Basescu of having made a mistake by keeping the Romanian troops in Iraq.

The idea of a referendum regarding this issue has been supported by other two liberal ministers, however, there is a rift within the party due to this topic.