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PSD wants an energy mammoth: one company to manage all energy resources

The president of the social-democratic country PSD declared on Monday that „the creation of an integrated holding for the energy system is needed. I’ve asked specialists and they feel the need of a strong conglomerate”. Mircea Geoana’s solution comes against the current energy strategy, which plans the creation of two big state-owned companies.

„I consider that we’ll need to revise the present energy strategy, and this strategy should be approved by the Parliament through an organic law. Regarding the governmental structure, there is the need the setup of an Energy and Resources Ministry”, Geoana added.

„We can build a company, an integrated holding which should genuinely bee a powerful player, with capital and which should start playing on the international market. We still want to be minor players, despite a serious potential, we cannot but carry on. I’m not willing to continue on that route, I want to be a player”, the PSD president said.

Geoana made the statements during the International Energy Forum in central & Eastern Europe, which started on Monday in Bucharest. Ex-German chancellor Joschka Fisher, a special guest to the event, will discuss Europe’s energetic security and, with Nabucco in mind, he will also refer to alternatives mechanisms for gas supply to European states.