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Romanian EP wonders about possible EC pressure on Romanian magistrates

Romanian European Parliamentarian Adrian Severin launched a serious attack against the European Commission, one month before the institution is due a country report on the progress made by Romania in the Justice reform and anti-graft campaign.

In an interview for Radio Free Europe, Severin says that the EC officials will not assume their part of the guilt in the failure of the anti-graft campaign, but refuses to point directly to any situation. On the other hand, Severin addressed several questions to the European Commission, asking whether the statements made by commissioner Olli Rehn – who publicly inquired about the situation of a „former Romanian Prime Minister” – do not represent a sort of pressure on the Romanian magistrates. Adrian Severin and the „former PM”, Adrian Nastase, are both members of the Social-Democrat Party.

Severin also asked the Commission if the failure of the National Integrity Agency can’t be considered as a result of its unique status in Europe, being rather an experiment on the Romanian „lab mouse”.

On the other hand, Severin suggests that the European Commission also plays a role in the failure of the anti-corruption campaign in Romania: „The Commission will avoid to say which is its part of the guilt in the lack of a sufficient progress, on one hand, and the detouring of the anti-graft campaign to a political harassment”, said Severin.