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Romanian managers predict hike in economic activity and prices

Romanian managers predict that in the coming months May- July 2006 economic activities will grow and prices will go up in the fields of industry, constructions, retail and services, according to an analysis by the National Statistics Institute. The employees’ number will slightly drop in the industry field.

The managers of enterprises in the processing industry foresee a production volume growth, up 26%. The products prices will also hike 21%, but the number of employees will go down 6%.

In constructions the ascendant trend maintains in the coming three months (57 %,) together with the orders and contracts’ volumes.(47%)

In activitatea de constructii se va mentine si in urmatoarele trei luni o tendinta de crestere a volumului productiei (sold conjunctural +57%), corelata cu cea a stocului de contracte si comenzi (sold conjunctural +47%), la toate tipurile de intreprinderi.

42% of the retail companies’ managers believe that the economic situation will improve in the following three months, while 52 expect it to be the same. 6% of the managers consider it will worsen. Retail prices will maintain. 86% of the managers say that the employees’ number will be the same.