Romanian President Traian Basescu: we need a comprehensive strategy for the Danube Delta
- Redactia Hotnews
Romania’s President, Traian Basescu and PM Emil Boc will attend, Thursday and Friday, the reunion of the EU member state leaders in Brussels. This is the first official meeting after the European Parliamentary elections. Before leaving for Brussels, the President took the opportunity to talk about the agenda of the meeting.
Here are some of the most important declarations:
- there will be an analysis of the global cooperation on the financial system reform
- Romania will have a decisive stand in supporting a regulated and closely monitored banking system
- at this chapter, the EU will analyze the dynamics of the labor market, and what EU can to to tackle unemployment and create new work places
- Institutional aspects will also be on the agenda, especially Ireland’s situation and the solutions to see the approval of the Lisbon treaty
- It will be the first official talk on the format of the new commission