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Traian Basescu during an electoral event in Bucharest: Romania needs a right-wing Government. Romania needs a PDL-PNL alliance

„Look at how Romania is getting through the economic crisis. If this crisis had happened during the ’90s, the shock would have been much too high for the population. We are starting to climb out of the downturn and we need to admit that Romania has got through the most difficult stage of the crisis pretty good”, president Traian Basescu claimed on Friday during the electoral event organised in the Revolutiei Square from Bucharest, in front of nearly 10,000 people.

The event was attended by PD-L supporters, including militants brought from 10 different counties. Among the 10,000 people present at the event there were also revolutionary associations’ members, who have been staging events in the Revolution Square for the last days.

The chief of state launched an invitation to his supporters on Twitter to come and take part in the event his party has organised in Bucharest. The traffic has not been altered.

Traian Basescu’s most important statements at the event:

  • There is not bigger priority for the Romanian state than its modernisation.
  • The reform for Education is essential. A nation’s development engine is education.
  • The most disadvantaged social category is the women from the country side. We need to create conditions for these women to receive an income and a pension.
  • There is a need for solidarity with the ones living at the country-side.
  • We need to develop the infrastructure from the rural areas, but also to create plants.
  • The youth at the country-side needs to go to school. Only 5% of the youth living in the rural areas attend university.
  • It is the first time that Romania’s got resources to fulfil these needs, we can use European funds. 
  • Look at how Romania is getting through the economic crisis. If this crisis had happened during the ’90s, the shock would have been much too high for the population. We are starting to climb out of the downturn and we need to admit that Romania has got through the most difficult stage of the crisis pretty good.
  • These days I have seen a politician – jolly fellow – Mircea Geoana, who is trying. My counter candidate tries to fool Romanians. The peacefulness that he promises has already been set up with Vintu, Patriciu, Voiculescu, Hrebenciuc, Iliescu.
  • The only honest alliance the Romanian president has is the Romanian people.
  • During the five years of mandate I have never made concessions, and a second mandate will change nothing in my behaviour regarding compromise.
  • During my mandate you have not heard of one privatisation with fraud.
  • For them, peacefulness means that everybody shuts up and they can steal relaxed.
  • Romania needs a right-wing Government. Romania needs a PDL-PNL alliance.
  • Figures show that during the second quarter of 2010 we will start to record economic growth. Romania needs a commander that will sail the ship out of the storm. I can assure you we’ll all get, ship and crew, in the quiet port, in the second quarter of 2010.
  • On December 6 go to the polls and decide Romania’s future. We’ll see each other again here, victorious, on the evening of December 6.