Trust in Romania's economy increased in June, but is still below the medium EU economy trust level
- Redactia Hotnews
The index measuring the trust in Romanian economy went up 1.2 points in June against May. But the index is lower than the Economic Sentiment Indicator (ESI) showing the medium trust level in the European economy, which increased by 3.2 points, according an European Commission report quoted by Romanian News Agency NewsIn. June saw the index for Romania going up to 66.8 points, and the EU medium index increasing up to 71.1 points.
In the euro zone, ESI went up 3.1 points, counting a total of 73.3 points. This is the third consecutive month to see the trust coming back into economy at a European Union level.
In the Romanian construction department, ESI lost 2 points and the retail dropped one point. The trust in industry and services stagnated, while the consumption index went up 3 points against last month.
At an EU level, the Economic Sentiment Indicator increased in four out of the five considered sectors: industry, services, consumption and retail. For commerce, ESI preserved its May value.
The states with the highest ESI in June are Sweden (85 points), Denmark (81.9 points) and Poland (81.6 points).
The lowest ESI is recorded in Hungary (49.2 points), slightly recovering against last month, according to the EC.