Victor Ponta's political program: 22 measures to place PSD on the first place in the electoral competition
Victor Ponta’s political program proposes to place the Social Democratic Party on the first place on the political scene, through the support and construction, in a transparent way of some media institutions (online, print, audio-video) which manifest a clear left vision.
The proposal is included in the program proposed by Victor Ponta with which he won the Presidency of the party entitled a Clean Romania. In the 22 measures, the new leader proposes several organizational measures – decentralization, integrated communications systems, professional map and new essential changes – election of the party’s president through the vote of all members of the party for a mandate equal with the electoral cycle.
Another point of the program reveals a Social Democratic modern speech with the acceptance of some grey points of the party’s past (University Square) towards new types of public especially to the new generations, intellectuals – the new proletarians of the big cities and university centers.