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Corriere della Sera journalist Fabrizio Peronaci: politicians increase the journalists interest for Romanians

Fabrizio Peronaci is one of the Italian journalists to know very well the Romanian community in Italy. He is responsible for most of the articles involving Romanian immigrants in Italy and talks with corresponded to Italy, Miruna Cajvaneanu about the atmosphere in Italy and at work.

Peronaci took a defensive stance when prompted about the aggressiveness of the media towards Romanians in Italy. He said that journalists only registered and exposed the facts and the reality is that there are many Romanians in Italy who create problems and new social tensions.

The Italian journalist declared that ever since the Mailat case (when a Romanian gypsy raped and murdered an Italian woman) journalists monitored Romanians living in Italy and their deeds with more interest and concern. He underlined that the number of felonies increased within the Romanian community in Italy which triggered more interest and coverage in the press.

Moreover, he declared that Italian politicians took important stands on the issue and thus journalists were compelled to cover the issue more extensively. Nonetheless, he said that politicians are not just looking to gain votes but to deal with a public safety issue that affects more and more Italians.

Peronaci explained that his newspaper attempted to emphasize facts over exaggerations and dismissed any allegations against the newspaper. He said that, as journalists, he considers that they did their job properly always outlining that the blame goes towards felons and not to the whole community.