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The Independent: a Romanian, socially assisted in Great Britain owned a villa and luxury cars in Romania

A Romanian origin felon obtained over 113,000 pounds using a false identity in Enfield region, Great Britain which allowed him to sustain a generous lifestyle in Romania, The Independent reads. Ilie Schian, aged 46 was sentenced to three years to prison after he admitted he mislead the Work and Pensions department in Great Britain using a false name, Nelus Gheorghe.

Despite a poor-like look, Schian had a luxury life in Romania: a nine bedroom house and plenty of expensive cars. The felon moved to Great Britain in 1999 and was arrested in July 20 after a long term investigation of a criminal network.

Local chief inspector Colin Carswell who investigated the case declared that Schian spent ten years in Great Britain and exploited the state’s social aid.