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Tiriac Auto loses exclusive trade of Mercedes in Romania

The Romanian company AutoRom, a branch of the Tiriac Auto group, lost its exclusive distribution of the German brands Mercedes-Benz, Chrysler, Jeep, Dodge and Smart to the DaimlerChrysler Automotive Romania. These brands will no longer be distributed in Romania via Tiriac’s company, but via Daimler Chrysler, to which Auto Rom is a minority shareholder.

DaimlerChrysler will make an offer for the 130 employees of the Auto Rom, according to a press release of the German company.

Following this move, the Tiriac Auto Group joins up five more distribution car companies Hyundai Auto, Romcar, Mazrom Motors, M Car Trading and Premium Auto- which sells Hyundai, Ford, Mazda, Mitsubishi and Jaguar.

Tiriac Auto is one of the most successful businesses of former international tennis champion Ion Tiriac, labeled one of the richest Romanians. Besdies the cars, Tiriac empire comprises banks and real estate companies.

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