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What the newspaper says: September 27, 2010

The illegal protest organized by police officers on Friday stirred up a full-fledged conflict between the President and the Interior minister, Vasile Blaga. Police unions claim they are ready to assume all consequences for the illegal protest across Bucharest and for dishonoring the uniform and the profession. Meanwhile, Vasile Blaga plans to resign today after the President accused the police officers. Elsewhere in the news, another conflict in the government started on genetically modified plants.

Police officers admit that their gestures exceeded the limits of their professional status but they are ready to assume the effects, Romania libera reads. Some analysts consider that a dangerous precedent was created between the forces that need to defend the state and the Interior minister who did not react as tough as needed.

Police unions are accused to an illegal protest across Bucharest, from Victoriei square to Cotroceni, the Presidential headquarters and for dishonoring their uniform and profession. On the other hand, the Presidency and the Cabinet refuse dialogue and announce that they will refuse the police during official delegations.

Leader of the union, Marin Gruia told the newspaper that the action on Friday was spontaneous, and police officers are in a desperate situation, which lead to this. About 6,000 police officers attended a protest.

Basescu accused officers of undermining the state’s authority. Bucharest mayor Sorin Oprescu declared that he approved the protesters to move towards Cotroceni by phone. Union leader said that the mayor decides whether the protest was illegal or not.

At least five police officers present at the protest risk to have penal files, because they brought their guns at the protest. However, police officers do not fear the consequences, as the President or anybody else cannot dissolve the Police.

In the same vein, Interior minister Vasile Blaga plans to present his designation after the President voiced his accusations against the police officers, Gandul reads. According to sources, Blaga refused to do what the President urged him, to dismiss chiefs of police and gendarmerie.

The minister considers that the two are not guilty for the behavior of the 6000 police officers that undertook an illegal protest on Friday. Quoted sources declared that Blaga considers his gesture an honorable thing to do and he informed PM Boc of his plans.

Elsewhere in the news, another scandal broke in the government, Evenimentul Zilei reads. Environment minister Laszlo Borbely signed a note interdicting genetically modified cultures. However, Agriculture ministry opposes this initiative.

Romania might enter the club of European countries promoting ecologic agriculture. If the government will adopt the initiative of the Environment ministry, genetically modified cultures will be illegal for five years.

The idea however, stirs up a dispute in the government: Agriculture minister, former collaborator of Monsanto company, the biggest producer of GMO in the world opposes the initiative.

Meanwhile, Environment minister Borbely urged state’s authorities to conduct a study on the issue, on what are these cultures, what are their impact on the environment and how good or bad are these plants.

However, Agriculture minister claims that the government cannot spend 5 years conducting studies, because crops need to be nurtured.