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What the newspapers say: December 21, 2010

​Neither the Social Democrats nor the Liberals are in a hurry to officially register an electoral alliance of the opposition parties, one newspaper reads on Tuesday. Elsewhere in the news, a confidential report of the World Bank reads how Romania could have highways. For over a decade now, Romanian Roxana Marcoci is a curator at the most important contemporary art museum in the world – MoMA in New York.

Evenimentul Zilei reads that neither the Social Democrats nor the Liberals are too eager to sign an electoral alliance. The project of a Social – Liberal alliance, proposed by former Conservative leader Dan Voiculescu was rejected publicly by both the PSD leader and the PNL leader.

Liberal leader Crin Antonescu declares that what is important is to be able to set up a solid majority, not to hurry up and sign an allegiance. Even if the Liberals and Social Democrats declared that they want to set up alliance against the governing coalition, relations between the leaders of the two parties are cold.

Gandul reveals a confidential report of the World Bank on the state of the transports in Romania. The document reads that Romania has no strategy in the transports sector, pays too much for the maintenance of the roads, has transports infrastructure below the expectations of the citizens and that of the European standards.

According to WB experts Romania suffers the consequences of some reforms stared in the last years which were not finished. The World Bank warns on the lack of comprehensive policies in the Transports sector.

It recommends that the ministry should have a national transports strategy on the medium term to include realistic financial resources for the upcoming years. According to the report, state companies lack vision, board members are politically involved which lead to a drop of performance indicators of all state owned companies.

The WB recommends the Transports ministry to share the administration of state owned companies with another ministry. General Managers of the state owned companies should be elected on personal efficiency and based on clear management targets.

The ministry should transfer all hospitals to the Health ministry, should decrease the number of employees hired on political grounds.

Romanian Roxana Marcoci, a curator at the New York Museum of Modern Art, MoMA has has in care a whole section dedicated to the famous Constantin Brancusi. Romania libera tells Marcoci’s story, how she became a curator at the museum and how she left Romania.

She confesses that at 18, she was summoned by authorities to leave the country in 24 hours due to her anti-system ideas. She graduated Sorbonne University on linguistics and history of arts. At 21, she left for the US and started her studies at Hunter College with specializations on history of arts and firm and theatre critics.

She received a Phd from the prestigious Institute of Fine Arts in New York and was invited to join the curators’ team at MoMA. Brancusi was an internationally renowned Romanian sculptor whose works, which blend simplicity and sophistication, led the way for numerous modernist sculptors.