What the newspapers say: May 2, 2011
- Redactia Hotnews
All newspapers on Monday announce the death of Osama bin Laden, leader of al Qaida, the terrorist network that organized the 9/11 attacks in the US who was killed by an American operation in Pakistan. Businessman Elan Schwartzenbergh took over the administration of Realitatea TV from media mogul Sorin Ovidiu Vantu’s children. Bucharest city hall spent illegal money from the budget. Last but not least, two Romanian families who started fighting at a picnic in Vienna on Easter day shocked Austrians.
Gandul reads that Osama bin Laden was murdered by American special troops in Pakistan.The body of the leader of Al Qaida, the terrorist network that organized the 9/11 attacks in the US back in 2001 is in the custody of US officials.
US President Barack Obama announced on Sunday night that Osama bin Laden, responsible for the death of over 3000 people in the 9/11 terrorist attacks was killed in Pakistan.
Romania libera reads that businessman Elan Schwartzenberg took over 10% of the shares in Realitatea TV for 4 million euro in cash and was given the administration of the media trust from media mogul Sorin Ovidiu Vantu’s children. Sources told the newspaper that Vantu needed the money because he does not have liquidities.
The newspaper reads about media mogul Sorin Ovidiu Vantu’s threats against President Basescu when e former was arrested for 29 days. Today, Elan Schwartzenberg announced a press conference but did not care to offer any details to the press regarding the theme of the conference.
The media expects Elan to reveal some information that would hurt the President but the newspaper reads that most likely the businessman will announce that he took over the management of Realitatea and that he gives up the services of ASESOFT’s management, lead by Sebastian Ghita who had several confrontations with Vantu so far.
Romania libera reads that Bucharest city hall spent illegally over 11 million euro a Court of Accounts report concluded. The Court of Accounts revealed a series of irregularities in the contract for disinfection against mosquitoes which amounted to 4 million euro, 28 times more than Budapest paid for the same services.
Officials discovered that of this money, the city hall paid 130,000 euro illegally because the sum was paid extra for services on areas that do not exist. The newspaper signaled repeatedly the illegality of the contract and the company.
Another 2 million euro prejudice represented an unjustified payment for a terrain during works at Marasesti Passage way according to the Court of Accounts. The sum paid was higher than the value set by the city hall itself.
These are just two of the irregularities which were found by the Court of Accounts, the newspaper reads. The Bucharest City Hall contested the conclusions of the report and offered some explanations for some irregularities signaled.
Evenimentul Zilei reads that two Romanian families in Austria who met for an Easter picnic started fighting. The Romanians were out to picnic and have a nice day but they started fighting and used barbeque instruments to fight, a video released by the newspaper shows.
Witnesses say that the two families had overall around 40 members and many children were present. The police managed to contain the situation with a police bus and ten cars. An ambulance and three paramedics arrived to help the injured.