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What the newspapers say: September 28, 2010

Most newspapers read about the reasons behind the resignation of Vasile Blaga. Elsewhere in the news, find out more about the new Interior minister, Traian Igas and the new informal leadership of influence within the Democrat Liberal Party.

Romania libera reads about the main reasons behind Blaga’s resignation: one of the most important is the failure to reform the information service of the Interior ministry, requested a year ago by the President.

Another reason, according to the newspaper is Blaga’s complicated relations with politicians and opinion leaders in the anti-presidential coalition. The urgency and the speed with which the party found a replacer for Blaga confirms the newspaper’s hypothesis.

The Interior ministry’s information service, UM 0215, has triggered plenty of scandals and leaks of information during the 2009 electoral campaign. The ministry started an investigation but it was suspended.

The information service is always accused in every electoral campaign that it intervenes in electoral campaigns, using its logistics to compromise or discourage those in the political game.

The relationship between Traian Basescu and Vasile Blaga proved complicated lately, especially because Blaga is a close member of politicians and opinion leaders in the anti-presidential coalition within the party.

However, in 2009, Blaga was Basescu’s chief of electoral campaign.

Elsewhere in the news, Gandul reads about the new Interior minister, Traian Igas, sustained by Gheorghe Falca, Timisoara’s mayor who is very close to President Basescu. The new Interior minister owns an apartment, a house, two cars and shares worth half of million lei.

The decision, taken by the President, respects, according to the newspaper, the share of influence within the government. Igas is leader of the Democrat Liberal Senators in the Senate.

Evenimentul Zilei reads about the new influence within the party, as Blaga left the government, dominated by Elena Udrea, Gheorghe Falca and George Scripcare, Brasov’s mayor.

The newspaper reads that Scripcaru pushed Gheorghe Ialomitianu for the Finances portfolio, which proves his increasing influence within the party. PM Emil Boc tested the opinion of party leaders related to Blaga’s resignation and the newspaper reads that some even suggested a vote of support for Blaga, to be forwarded to the President.

However, Elena Udrea dismissed such an attempt, indirectly in a speech she made within the meeting, saying that such a vote is not needed, since all ministers have the vote of trust from the government.