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Moldova leader Voronin opens talks with Putin on Kosovo precendent

After several talks with European Commission, OSCE and NATO officials the President of the Moldova Republic, Vladimir Voronin, arrived in Moscow on Monday to analyze with Russian President Vladimir Putin the future perspectives of a solution for the Transniester conflict, Nezavisimaria gazeta informs. According to the Moldovan Presidency press office the discussion is set for today.

On Monday, Voronin was officially received by Moscow Patriarch Aleksei II who granted him an award for a „remarkable contribution to the consolidation of the Orthodox people”. The ceremony took place in the famous Russian Cathedral, Jesus the Savior, Vremia novostei daily reads.

Voronin’s moment to visit Russia is very significant as well, as a decision is pending regarding the Kosovo province which might create a precedent for the Transniester region, which the Republic of Moldova fears, Russian daily newspapers read. Transniester is a Russian majority breakaway province in eastern Moldovan Republic.

However, Moscow refuses to recognize Kosovo as an independent state which, if granted, it considers to become a dangerous precedent. Moreover, as Kommersant reads, Russia as mediator between Moldova and Trasniester could have an important say in its subsequent development.

Russia’s interests in the region are well known, namely they want to make sure Moldova does not ally with the Western forces by joining NATO, just as its GUAM allies Georgia, Ukraine and Azerbaijan did.