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Romania to host International Advertising Association summit

The first European summit of the International Advertising Association-IAA will be organized in Romania in late september 2007 and will welcome professionals from the European marketing and communication industry to Bucharest, IAA Romania representatives announced on Tuesday.

The summit is dedicated to “Inspiring Excellence in Communication” and will focus on Communication Channels Planning, Legislation/Self-regulation and Research.

Erich Buxbaum, head for IAA Europe, says the IAA World Congress convenes every two years but the market needs more such meetings, and a European Summit is seen as a good way to keep pace with the challenges of the day.

Besides Romania has just joined the EU, the IAA believes it is the right place to organized such a summit because the country hosts one of the most dynamic IAA affiliates in Europe, Buxbaum says.

The two-day summit expects an attendance of over 700 from Europe and other regions.

The IAA is a single strategic partnership defending the common interests of all disciplines in the marketing communication, from clients to advertising agencies and the media. The Association has a global organization in 76 countries.

IAA Romania unites 105 companies from all three fields. Its stated role is to promote internationally recognized advertising standards in the country.

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