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Companies clearing snow in Bucharest save up their fuel

Six companies in charge with clearing the snow in Bucharest were sanctioned with the minimum fine for not complying with the duties stipulated in the contracts. However, the fines seem cheaper to pay compared to the fuel needed to actually clear the snow in the capital of Romania, which faced its first very serious snow storm in years this week.

Local authorities did not put forward any explanation concerning the costs of snow clearing or regarding the clauses of the already signed contracts. Bucharest 1st District Mayor Andrei Chiliman said that the job is costly but did not offer any numbers.

On Thursday, companies in charge with clearing the snow should have been on the streets, unlocking at least the main boulevards. According to the law, only the authority that signed the contract is entitled to end it.

1st District City Hall official Alexandru Ichim told that there was no fixed sum to be paid and the costs usually include the fuel and chemical substances needed.

Rosal director Silviu Prigroana, whose company is in charge with clearing the snow in the third district of Bucharest said he could not put forward a clear sum since it’s a state of emergency as the snow exceeds 25 cm but in normal conditions his company receives payment by hour.

According to the District 2 City Hall press office, the total budget allocated for clearing the snow in the district amounts to 11,5 million Romanian Ron.