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New Romanian government expects parliamentary vote November 4
Guvernul Orban, Foto: Hotnews
Guvernul Orban, Foto: Hotnews

The Romanian Parliament is expected to vote on the new government tabled by nominated PM Ludovic Orban on November 4, it was decided on Monday.

The vote is due to take place after nominated ministers go through hearings in their respective committees on Tuesday and Wednesday.

Ludovic Orban had hoped for hearings to take place on Tuesday and the plenary vote to be cast as early as Wednesday, but his proposal was rejected by the joint coordinators of parliamentary activities.

  • Liberal (PNL) leader Ludovic Orban was picked by President Klaus Iohannis to form a new government in the wake of the censure motion that had the Social Democratic (PSD) government of Viorica Dancila be dismissed earlier this month. Dancila is serving with limited powers until a new government is sworn in. Both her and Iohannis are running in presidential elections due in November.