Romanian Liberals of designated PM Orban submit list of ministers, governing program. Who are the nominees for government

Romania’s Liberals (PNL) on Thursday made public the list of ministers and the program they plan to apply should the Parliament vote a new PNL government to replace the current Social Democratic one, dismissed in a censure motion.
- See below the 12-point program and the team of ministers tabled by designated PM Ludovic Orban
President Iohannis picked PNL leader Orban to form a new government in the wake of the censure motion against the Dancila government earlier this month. Ludovic Orban has negotiated with other political parties and is set to push a PNL-focused government team.
The priorities of the governing program include changes to the budget, establishing the 2020 state budget, fixing issues left behind in various sectors by the current PSD government, moves to change back a series of rules governing the judiciary.
Emergency measures include:
- the adoption of an ordinance on the restructuring of government
- setting the framework for presidential elections due November 10&24 this year
- picking Romania’s candidate for a seat in the future European Commission
- changes to the state budget for 2019
- establishing the state budget for 2020
- organising resident exams for graduates of medicine schools, which are late due to the state of the outgoing government (missing relevant ministers in the wake of failed reshuffles)
- preparing transport infrastructure and the energy sector for the winter period
- Approving a bill for repelling the compensatory appeal
- iniating procedures for designating long-term heads of prosecutor offices
Who are the members of the Orban Government?
Prime minister – Ludovic Orban (Profile here)
Deputy PM – Raluca Turcan, a deputy since 2004. A founding member of the Democratic Liberal Party (PDL) of former president Traian Basescu, later absorbed into the Liberal. A prominent member of the PNL leadership, interim president of the PNL in 2016-2017.
1. Foreign minister – Bogdan Aurescu: A career diplomat, has been working in the sector for 23 years. Serving as presidential aide on foreign policy since 2016. Has been Romania’s agent to the ICJ. Has led Romania’s team of negotiators for the Romanian-US deal on missile shield. Has served Foreign minister in a Social Democratic-led government in 2014.
2. Interior minister – Marcel Vela: A Senator, he’s been a member of the Liberals since 1990, has mostly served in the local administration. His resume does not specify what higher education he has, but says he has been decorated by both former president Iliescu and incumbent president Iohannis
3. Defence minister – Nicolae Ciucă: the current Chief of Defence Staff, a career military man who has joined many missions abroad, including Iraq, Afghanistan and Bosnia. The battle of Nassiria in Iraq in May 2004 was the first after WWII when Romanian troops, under Ciuca’s command, were active participants. His four year term as Chief of Staff expired a year ago but was extended by President Iohannis for a year in a move that has contributed to tensions between the President and the PSD government.
4. Finance minister – Florin Citu, Liberal Senator.
5. Economy Economiei – Virgil Popescu, Liberal deputy
6. Development minister – Ion Stefan, a deputy with influential businesses, a significant lender of the PNL
7. Justice minister – Catalin Predoiu, a Liberal who has served as Justice minister in multiple governments a decade ago, when a series of considerable reforms were introduced in the sector. He has attempted to run for higher office, including a try to be picked as candidate for presidency in the previous presidential elections, and an attempt for Bucharest mayor, but without any success.
8. Agriculture minister – Adrian Oros
9. Labor minister – Violeta Alexandru
10. Environment minister – Costel Alexe
11. Education minister – Monica Anisie
12. European Funds minister – Ioan Marcel Bolos
13. Youth and Sports minister – Ionut Stroe
14. Transport minister – Lucian Bode
15. Culture minister – Bogdan Gheorghiu
16. Health minister – Victor Costache