Romanians in Moldova Republic: We voted so that Romania take a look to Moldova a bit too, so that we leave for the EU
- Redactia Hotnews
Two times as many Romanians in the Republic of Moldova cast their ballots in the second round of Romania’s presidential elections by 1 p.m. on Sunday as compared to the first round two weeks ago. „We voted so that Romania takes a look at Moldova a bit, too and provides the possibility for us to leave for the EU as well”, one voter was quoted by as saying.
The options of Romanian voters in the Republic of Moldova focused on „stability and a better future”.
Almost all voting sections in the Republic saw queues of voters from early in the morning, according to the quoted source. „Romania is the closest country to us and we voted so that soon our country joins the European Union and that we cross the European borders freely”, one voter said.
By 9.00 a.m., four times as many voters in the Republic of Moldova cast their ballots in the Romanian poll as compared to the first round of elections.