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​The latest list of Liberal leader's picks for future Romanian government
Ludovic Orban, Foto: AGERPRES
Ludovic Orban, Foto: AGERPRES

The leader of Romania’s Liberal party PNL is heading into the latest round of negotiations with other parties for parliamentary support for a new government, in the wake of the censure motion earlier this month that led to the dismissal of the Social Democratic (PSD) government. PNL leader Ludovic Orban is expected to submit a list of ministers and a governing program in Parliament after talks due Tuesday and Wednesday.

President Klaus Iohannis named Orban to form a new Liberal-led government as a result of the dismissal of the PSD government of Viorica Dancila, a government which now serves with limited power until a new team is sworn in.

Orban now has to answer demands forwarded by other parties including the Hungarian Democrats (UDMR), ALDE, Pro Romania and the Save Romania Union (USR). Of all, USR has proven the least flexible during negotiations, pushing for political moves that would come against the demands of other parties.

The latest list of Orban’s ministers as he heads into the new round of talks is as follows:

  • Foreign Affairs Ministry (which would assimiulate the European Affairs Ministry and the Ministry for Romanians Aproad) – Bogdan Aurescu
  • Interior Ministry – Laurentiu Leoreanu
  • Defence Ministry – Nicolae Ciuca
  • Finance Ministry – Florin Citu
  • Economy Ministry – Virgil Popescu
  • Development Ministry – Raluca Turcan
  • Justice Ministry – Catalin Predoiu
  • Agriculture Ministry – Adrian Oros
  • Labour Ministry – Violeta Alexandru
  • Environment Ministry (now including Waters and Forestry Ministry) – Costel Alexe
  • Education Ministry (now including Research Ministry) – Monica Anisie
  • European Funds Ministry – an independent
  • Youth and Sports Ministry – Sorin Moldovan
  • Transport Ministry (now including Communications Ministry) – Lucian Bode
  • Culture Ministry – Liviu Bratescu
  • Health Ministry – Horatiu Suciu