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What the newspapers say: January 18, 2008

For the first time after 1989, the prosecutors managed to complete the files against football club president and player agents suspect of detouring funds and avoiding taxes. Although the wealth of the football club owners has always been a subject for speculations, this is the first time officials make such a huge move, opening files against ten major football figures.

The news is covered by most of the headlines, sending to the second place the possible governmental reshuffle planned by Prime Minster Calin Popescu Tariceanu.

Criminal investigations are opened against ten football officials, including club owners and agents, who brought prejudice tot he state budget, the National Football Federation (FRF) and their own clubs. The accusations include embezzlement, tax evasion and money laundering, Evenimentul Zilei reads.

The official press release of the Prosecution Office refers to sums that reach some tens of millions of dollars dealt on the black market, mainly in the transfers of football players. The investigation begun in 2005 and required a huge amount of work, including answers from 17 commissions on two continents. The National Office against Money Laundering and the Financial Guard were also involved.

Victor and Ioan Becali (agents), Gheorghe Copos (owner and president of Rapid Bucharest, former vice prime minister), Sica Pushkoc (former manager at Otelul Galati), Mihai Stoica; Cristian Borcea (executive manager at Dinamo Bucharest), Jean Pădureanu (president, Gloria Bistrita); Gheorghe Popescu (agent, former player); Gheorghe Neţoiu (shareholder, Dinamo); Mircea Stoenescu (former president, Dinamo) are accused of causing a prejudice over 10 million dollars, Gandul reads.

In politics, the entire fuss around the Justice Minister seat candidate Norica Nicolai may lead to a Government reshuffle. PM Tariceanu discussed with president Traian Basescu the possibility to give Nicolai another ministry, while changing some controversial ministers. The names include Foreign Minister Adrian Cioroianu and Labor Minister Paul Pacuraru, the latter on the verge of being officially accused by the National Anti-Graft Prosecution Office. According to Cotidianul, the president seems to agree with the new solution.

One third of the Romanians working in Italy may return home during the following two years, Evenimentul Zilei informs. Some of them are affected by the recent turn in the Italians’ attitude towards Romanians, others wish to open a business in Romania. Only 21% of the Romanians in the peninsula want to make a good life in Italy and don’t take into account returning home, Evenimentul Zilei reads.

Back home, Romanians confront another problem: some three quarters of Romanians suffer from an illness caused by the many working hours. Most of the people answering the study conducted by HR Romania say they work 50-60 hours per week and that they suffered from at least one stress-inflicted illness during the past year. In 55% of the cases, Romanians feeling sick preferred to go to work rather than stay home.