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What the newspapers say: July 1, 2010

After a nine hour meeting, the Executive decided to mobilize ministers in the regions affected by floods. Another important decision was to tax citizens with more than one house: those who own more households have to pay taxes increased by 65%, 150% and 300% depending on the number of households owned. Last but not least, 59,000 budgetary personnel will be laid off.

After a nine hour meeting, the Executive decided to team up ministers and send them in the territory in those regions affected by floods. Boc announced that he will accompany Interior minister Blaga and Laszlo Borbely in Braila, Galati and Tulcea, South East Romania. Tourism minister Elena Udrea and Transports minister Radu Berceanu will go North, to Suceava and Botosani while Economy minister Videanu to Neamt.

Moreover, Justice minister Predoiu will visit Bacau and Agriculture minister, Mihail Dumitru to Iasi. PM Boc said that ministers will be an aid to local administrations in the affected areas. The government decided to allocate a special aid for those in need and some of it already reached them. The priority is to save the people, Boc announced.

He urged the population to collaborate with state authorities and evacuate houses when prompted. Heavy rain hit Suceava, affecting 15 cities yesterday. Roads are affected and hundreds of people lost their houses and others evacuated from the area.

7000 people were evacuated, 2.917 houses were flooded and 206 houses destroyed. 22 people lost their life.

Elsewhere in the news, the Executive decided to tax those who own more than one house. The government adopted a normative act that rules that those who own more than one house need to pay taxes increased by 65&, 150% and 300% depending on the number of houses. The measure will be applied by July 1 and is valid through the end of the year.

The chief of Executive explained that revenues collected from this tax will be sent to local budgets, to support them in times of crisis. Sources declared for the newspaper that the financial influence of this decision were calculated for this year – 98 million lei and for next year – 101 million lei.

Romania libera reads that 59.000 people will be laid off: half of them from local administration and the rest from the Administration, Labour, Education and Agriculture ministers, news televisions read. Official sources declared for the Romanian news agency Mediafax and lay offs will be based on cost standards.

PM Boc urged ministers to apply as soon as possible restructuring procedures and this process will be initiated through emergency ordinances if the law allows it. Governmental agencies that were not set up based on EU directives or organic laws will be dissolved and transformed in directions within ministers.