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What the newspapers say: May 16, 2011

All newspapers on Monday about the new President of the Democratic Liberals, Emil Boc and his future plans with the party. Boc’s supporters have also been appointed in key positions in the party. Elsewhere in the news, the question on everybody’s mind is whether Boc will give up its seat as Prime Minister in exchange of a technocrat, as the President wishes. Last but not least, Romania’s agreement with the IMF and EC sees at least 7,000 lay offs.

All newspapers on Monday read about the new President of the Democratic Liberal Party, Emil Boc elected with 868 of the votes while his countercandidate Vasile Blaga gained 499 and Theodor Paleologu 24 votes. Several politicians sustained by President Basescu were elected in PDL’s key positions: Boc, Baconschi, Macovei, Voinescu and Paleologu, Romania libera reads. The newspaper reads that PM Boc won elections with the help of the President first and foremost.

The lists of the Party’s management were agreed with Blaga also and had the approval of the chief of state even though in the end the vote was uninominal. Even the President had a speech favoring Boc as the convention started, even though he did not name any names. The President built his speech on reforms of the government and ended it in a dramatic way with tears in his eyes reminding his audience of the times back in 2001 when Petre Roman lost elections and left the party.

This statement compelled Blaga to assure that he will not leave the party, giving the impression that he is ready to lose not win. Basescu managed to impose a team with a reformist tendency but could not convince Blaga to stand behind his team even though the party offered him the position of Senate’s Speaker. Blaga, it seems, is waiting around the corner of 2012 elections when presumably Boc will fail to takeover the party.

Gandul reads about the party’s management who was elected among the supporters of the new president of the party. Among these, Elena Udrea received the most votes, 1102 votes for a Vice President position together with George Scripcaru who received the same number of votes. Sever Voinescu and Monica Macovei, former Justice minister and Theodor Paleologu were also elected Vice Presidents in the new team meant to help Boc to reform the party.

First VPs are Sorin Frunzaverde, Theodor Baconschi, Gheorghe Flutur and Roberta Anastase. Now that one problem was solved, the question still linger on whether the President will manage to impose its views and replace Boc with a technocrat Prime Minster.

Evenimentul Zilei quotes former presidential counselor Sebastian Lazaroiu saying that reason should guide Boc to leave the seat vacant for a technocrat. Lazaroiu is convinced that Boc won a new mandate as head of the Democratic Liberal Party because he benefitted from the support of the President.

He also considers it a mistake of the winning team to offer positions to the losing one because this might block the evolution of the party in the 2012 elections. He said a technocrat close to the Democratic Liberals could strengthen the identity of the party as a right wing one.

This will infuse a new credibility wave of the governing act that is currently eroded due to unpopular measures taken.

Romania libera reads that the IMF throws dynamite in the state’s black holes referring to the fact that thousands of employees of state companies that register losses will be fired this summer. Moreover, the contracts of these companies will be re-negotiated to cut costs.

In June- September over 7000 people will be laid off. Most people will be laid off from the railway company where about 6000 lay offs are estimated. Other companies targeted are: the Romanian Post Office, Termoelectrica. IMF Chief of Mission in Bucharest Jeffrey Franks warned that for economic growth, state companies in the energy and transports sector need private investments because the government does not have enough resources.