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What the newspapers say: September 6, 2010

One newspaper on Monday read about the priorities of the new ministers of the Boc cabinet. In an interview, the new Finance minister Ialomitianu talks in detail about his plans. Elsewhere in the news, Dan Diaconescu, the TV media mogul, could be accused of money laundering. Last but not least, tens of dolphins were found dead in the Danube Delta. In Bucharest, the second edition of the Coffee and Tea festival starts with a series of street events, shows in tea houses and Bucharest coffee shops.

Evenimentul Zilei presents, in its Monday edition what are the priorities of the new ministers of the Boc cabinet. The Labor minister, Ioan Botis, holds one of the toughest mandates together with the Finance minister because the pensions law and the unique salary scheme law need to be approved fast.

Other priorities are the modifications to the Labor code and the reshuffle of the social aid system.

Finance minister Gheorghe Ialomitianu promises for Gandul to execute the company of his wife, if necessary. He declared that he will enforce fiscal discipline and will execute all companies that do not pay their dues.

Transports minister Anca Boagiu will have to find solutions to restructure railway companies where thousands of employees expect to know whether they will be unemployed or not. She will have to find consistent financing to continue infrastructure projects already started.

Agriculture minister Valeriu Tabara needs to tax agriculture fields which were not used, find solutions to finance farmers in other ways than subsidies.

Economy minister Ion Ariton inherited the set up of energy giants, listing at the stock exchange companies like Romgaz or the sell of CO2 certificates.

Communications minister Valerian Vreme will have a short time to finish the online system to submit and pay social contributions.

Romania libera reads that Dan Diaconescu, the media mogul, owner of OTV private television risks to be accused of money laundering. It seems that the two credited their companies with huge amounts of money but could not justify their origin through financial documents.

Dan Diaconescu, by now famous for being investigated by anti-graft prosecutors for several black mail deeds always said that he made his 33 million euro wealth from his monthly salary of 100,000 euro.

However, in reality, his salary is only 1,000 euro, sources told the newspaper. On top of this, Diaconescu has copyright contracts worth over 2 million euro for 2007-2010 at two of his companies. These sums however do not justify the wealth declared by Diaconescu. The second problem is that investigators id not find revenues in neither of his companies that would justify such revenues. It remains to be seen where all the money came from as the investigation moves forward.

Elsewhere in the news, 23 dead dolphins were found on the Black Sea shores, from Perisor to Portita, South East Romania, Romania libera reads. Romanian researcher Mihai Marinov, researcher at the Danube Delta Research Development Institute declared that the bodies found reveal that they died in different periods.

He explained that investigations revealed that they died in the last two months, after fishing with fixed anchors started, used to catch big quantities of migrating fish. Experts told the newspaper that each year dolphins are found dead at the shores but it is for the first time that they find them in the same place. However, investigations did not reveal the cause of death because the dolphins were in an advanced state of putrefaction.

In Bucharest this week, one can enjoy the second edition of the Coffee and Tea festival between 6-12 September, Gandul reads. The festival will be marked by street events, shows in tea houses and Bucharest coffee shops and exhibitions of tea, coffee ad accessories at the Sutu Palace.

The festival will be celebrated in Cafe Verona, Cafepedia, Grand Caffe Galeron, Serendipity tea house and Rendez Vous tea house.