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Working with neighbors for getting European funds,

Romania can qualify for structural funds as part of some projects conducted in collaboration with the neighboring states. Romania, together with the bordering countries, may benefit of eleven programmes amounting 1.5 billion euros for 2007-2013. The amount to be allocated to Romania is 800 million euros.

The programmes aim geographical areas, such as the border counties, or particular fields of action. The Ministry of Development, Public Works and Housing is the national authority that manages these programmes.

Matt Nichols, expert with INTERACT(a programme that informs about the inter-state cooperation), explains the differences between the operational sectorial programmes and the cooperation projects. The main difference addresses the activities involved.

While the sectorial programmes deal with big infrastructure projects, the cooperation projects aim at erasing the social and economical barriers that come with the borders, according to Nichols.

More info on the cooperation projects: trans-border cooperation within EU and trans-border cooperation within EU.