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​Galeria Basil: Cursuri de istoria artei cu Karima Radwan

In perioada septembrie – noiembrie 2017 Karima Radwan, instructor in Istoria Artei, va sustine Cursuri de Istoria Artei – „Late Medieval and Renaissance Europe” la Galeria Basil, anunta un comunicat remis

Karima Radwan a absolvit cum laude University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA – Bachelor of Arts (1992-1995) si Master of Art History (1996-1998), a activat ca Instructor in Istoria Artei la mai multe universitati precum College of Southern Maryland, Montgomery College -Maryland, St. Stephen’s and St. Agnes School – Alexandria sau Northern Virginia Community College, Manassas and Annandale.

Potrivit comunicatului, Galeriei Basil cursurile vor avea loc intre 20 septembrie si 15 noiembrie 2017, in fiecare miercuri seara, intre orele 18,00-20,30, cu exceptia zilei de 25 octombrie. Costul unui workshop este de 800 lei.

Cursurile vor fi sustinute in limba engleza.

Pentru inscrieri contactati: sau 0726113494 – Luminita Vasile – Basil Gallery.

Workshop – ART HISTORY : Late Medieval and Renaissance Europe


Art has always been a representation of the mentality of a society, and at the same time, the servant of a cause. Art has shaped human consciousness throughout the ages and has given us a physical manifestation of the people, ideas and cultures of the past. The cognitive and educational functions of our society are manifested through aesthetics and developed with artistic sensibility incumbent upon the sensorial, the affinities of a culture, human intelligence and reason.

To achieve an objective examination of artistic forms belonging to different eras of art history is an interdisciplinary endeavor, making a classification of cultures, periodization of time and identification of features of artistic creations

and mutual influences paramount in obtaining a holistic view of the past.

„We invite you to take a journey into the past with us, to explore a time when Europe underwent a transformative period: culturally, socially, economically, and above all, artistically. Our exploration of this crucial era begins in the 13th century and continues into the 16th century:

„Late Medieval and Renaissance Europe ”


· This course will be presented in English language

· Foreign students are welcome to the workshop! 

Duration: 8 sessions of 2 h and 30 min each:

– September 20 to November 15, every wednesday evening, 18,00-20,30 (except October 25)

Cost for the entire workshop / course – 800 ron

Join ways: reserve a place until june 15 – deadline for 50% of payment The remaining 50% is paid at the latest on august 20.

Minimum seats: 10

For registration please contact: or 0726113494 – Luminita Vasile – Basil Gallery.