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President Traian Basescu: Romania remains a country of contrasts, despite the progress and benefits brought by the accession to the EU

Romania president Traian Basescu declared on Wednesday that, despite all the progress recorded during the past few years, Romania remains a country of contrasts. „Some citizens are excluded from the benefits brought by the accession to the European Union”. In his speech in front of the Parliament, Basescu insisted on the fact that „Romania’s strategic reserve of efficiency is in the rural environment” and asked for a better life in the countryside. The heads of political parties did not participate in the Parliamentarian session.

Basescu’s main points, in brief

* We are before the electoral campaign, the end and the beginning of important political cycles;

* In January 2007, we were all glad for the successful accession to the European Union, and every Romanian hoped for a better life and a better governance;

* We knew at the time that the accession is the beginning – not the end – of our efforts;

* We pass from transition to a time of efficient economic development and democracy consolidation;

* We need a new vision, new motivations, new attitudes and behavior;

* We need new targets for the democratic governance;

* Romania has seen a strong economic growth for two years in a row;

* Private consumption and investments are the main pillars of the economic growth;

* The private area accounts for 70% of the domestic product;

* We have an one-digit inflation rate;

* Services contribute with more than 50% of the GDP;

* I thank the governments for creating a business environment and a business class;

* 3 ministers and 14 parliamentarians are under investigation, a sign that the Justice has become efficient;

* The line the Justice has taken should not change along with the Government;

* There is still plenty to do, since the citizens’ trust in the Justice system is at a low level and Justice became a luxury for many;

* The Romanian Parliament was solidary in not recognizing the Kosovo independence;

* Political parties and social groups admit the importance of the Education Pact;

* Adopting the uninominal voting system was a step forward in the relationship between citizens and the political class;

* There are still many citizens who do not benefit from Romania’s accession to the EU;

* Romania remains a country of contrasts;

* Romania doesn’t allocate its resources efficiently and has a deficit in the democracy degree – the two aspects determine each other;

* The GDP per capita is only 40% of the European average;

* Labor productivity and efficiency in Agriculture are very low;

* Romania’s economic structure is one of the most primitive in Europe;

* 30% of the working population is in the rural areas;

* Romania’s regions are among the least developed regions in Europe;

* we have important problems in the territorial development;

* Romania needs time to make a leap in efficiency;

* We need to reduce the percentage of workers in Agriculture to 10 – 15% until 2015;

* The villages must be made more efficient through modernization;

* We need a new and practical approach;

* The second strategic target is to adopt the Euro as currency in 2014;

* The population decreased 1.5 million since 1999;

* We need to prepare Romania for the aging of the population;

* The population decrease trend must be stopped;

* A birth rate increase means a reconciliation between the working life and the family life and job flexibility;

* The education system still sees many deficiencies;

* The current education system is uneven and irrelevant for the future economy and the future society;

* In Health, Romania is one of the last countries in Europe, in the general health indicator;

* The health care system is uneven and lacks transparency;

* The child death rate is among the largest in Europe;

* We have problems in the absorption of European funds;

* The transport infrastructure is crucial for the future development;

* The lack of ground infrastructure became a break in the path of social and economic development;

* The deficit in Administration comes from the lack of reforms;

* Spending the SAPARD funds is also a problem;

* We need to act for the State reform;

* We need more competition, we need an integrated markets system;

* There is room for competition in Energy, procurement, irrigation systems;

* We need to have a clear image of the State’s role in the economy;

* We can not talk about democracy when the Constitutional Court becomes the referee of the Romanian political stage;

* We don’t have a Parliamentarian majority to assume the responsibility of the governance;

* The system has failures; the most critical moment was the suspending of the head of state;

* The deficit of democracy can be solved only through dialogue and cooperation;

* We must build institutions that don’t cause blockings;

* Bureaucracy generates unearned income for public servants, this is dangerous for Romania;

* We must protect the citizens from abuse, the main abuse is corruption;

* Corruption even jeopardized Romania’s accession to the EU;

* Some politicians use the double language, some of them attempted to block the Justice;

* It is important for the Parliament to allow the Justice to function and prove devotion towards the eradication of corruption;

* State institutions must no longer allow a violent behavior;

* The crime rate increased 20% in the first 7 months of the year, compared to 2007;

* There are areas controlled by criminal groups who impose protection taxes; the phenomenon is growing;

* Romania’s problems need realistic solutions;

* The mentality of the political class may see a positive evolution;

* Personally, I will collaborate with any Government that does not associate with oligarchs.