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Appeal to save governing party from crisis

A group of proeminent Liberal politicians issued an appeal for the unity of the National Liberal Party – PNL, a senior member of the governing coalition, on Monday to overcome what they called a political crisis given by internal power struggles and dramatic losses in opinion polls. But their appeal was received with hostility by the current leadership of the group.

Ex-party leader Teodor Stolojan and fellow PNL members Mona Musca and Valeriu Stoica organized a press conference today to express concern about what they called “Bolshevik-style disinformation maneuvers” on behalf of the faction formed around prime minister and party president Calin Popescu Tariceanu.

And they called all party members to establish a solid political platform that would include true Liberal values in order to restet the unity and internal democracy of PNL.

But their position was challenged by a senior representative of Tariceanu’s faction, Senator Puiu Hasoti, who said these issues should have been discussed within the party first. He alleged the three were not interested in a real dialogue within the party, but in changing the current leadership of PNL.