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Nimic nu valoreaza cat o viata de om: Solidaritate cu Doru Maries si colegii sai
Vladimir Tismaneanu, Foto: AGERPRES
Vladimir Tismaneanu, Foto: AGERPRES

M-am gandit adeseori la semnificatia cuvintelor lui André Malraux: “O viata de om nu valoreaza nimic, dar nimic nu valoreaza cat o viata de om”. Unul dintre acesti oameni exemplari este Doru Maries, presedintele Asociatiei “21 Decembrie”, un lider al societatii civile reale, nu al celei ostentative, contrafacute si stridente. Ion Iliescu nu-i poate ierta lui Doru Maries consecvenţa cu care cauta sa afle adevarul despre Revolutia din decembrie 1989 si despre mineriade. L-a atacat imund in repetate randuri, l-a numit “puslama” si “impostor”, ceea ce pentru Maries si prietenii sai este semnul, hartia de turnesol care probeaza ca ca fac ceeace trebuie facut. Pana acum cateva zile nu stiam de noua greva a foamei declansata de Doru Maries, nu stiam ca i s-au asociat inca trei colegi. Nu pot citi toate ziarele si sursele de stiri, dar sunt uimit ca n-am vazut aproape nimic pe acest subiect, deloc banal, sa recunoastem. Ba chiar tragic.

Nu cred ca exista ratiuni reale pentru a amana sine die reluarea discutiilor in Parlament privind legile legate de o autentica decomunizare. Nici frigul, nici nametii, nici criza economica, nici starea de lehamite nu pot justifica ignorarea grevei foamei, aceasta actiune disperata menita sa spuna celor amnezici, indiferenti si abulici: Ajunge!

Antropologul Alin Rus, membru de onoare al Asociatiei 21 Decembrie 1989, profesor la Worcester University din Statele Unite, a publicat o petiţie pentru salvarea vieţii lui Teodor Mărieş care se află în a 88-a zi de grevă a foamei pentru adoptarea Legii lustraţiei, a Legii imprescriptibilităţii crimelor împotriva umanităţii şi a Legii recunoştinţei faţă de eroii revoluţiei anticomuniste.

Solidari cu Teodor Mărieş, trei colegi ai acestuia se află de asemenea în greva foamei: Vlad Ciobanu (vicepreşedintele Asociaţiei 21 Decembrie 1989, 67 de zile de greva foamei), Firimiţă Marian (54 de zile de greva foamei) şi Savin Eugeniu (51 zile de greva foamei).

Teodor Maries started his hunger strike protest almost three months ago. The purpose of his protest has been to convince the members of the Romanian Parliament to adopt three laws: The Law of Imprescriptibility of the Crimes Against Humanity committed during Communist Dictatorship and during the days of December 1989 Romanian Revolution, The Law of Gratitude toward the victims (and children of the victims) of 1989 Romanian Revolution and The Law of Lustration (this is a law that regulates the participation of ex-leaders of the Communist dictatorship, especially informants of the communist secret police in the successor political appointee positions or in civil service positions in the period after the fall of Communist Dictatorship). The adoption of all these laws is absolutely necessary for a correct functioning of the democracy and the democratic institutions in Romania.

The Law of Imprescriptibility of the Crimes Against Humanity Committed during Dictatorship and during the days of December 1989 Romanian Revolution was considered constitutional by the European Court of Human Rights, which recommended the Romanian Parliament to promulgate this law immediately. Inexplicably, the promulgation of this law is indefinitely postponed by the Romanian Parliament. More than that, the protest of Teodor Maries is totally ignored by the political leaders who are now in power. All the members of 21 December 1989 Civic Association are afraid that Teodor Maries can die at any moment.

With this petition, I am turning to you asking one single thing: save the life of Teodor Maries (88 days of hunger strike) and three other members of 21 December Civic Association who are protesting together with him: Vlad Ciobanu (vice-president of 21 Decembrie 1989 Association, 67 days of hunger strike), Firimita Marian (54 days of hunger strike) and Savin Eugeniu (51 days of hunger strike). We hope that a strong international support for these men, who decided to use this extreme form of protest, will convince the Romanian political leaders to start the negotiations with the leaders of 21 December Association immediately in order to save their life.

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