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Opposition reads in Parliament motion against health reform

The motion filed by the opposition Social Democratic (PSD) and Greater Romania (PRM) parties against the health reform laws, for which the Government assumed responsibility in the Parliament, was presented today before the joint chambers of the Romanian Legislative.

The document, called „the Anti-reform of Health” and signed by 160 parliamentarians qualifies the reform laws as „anti-social” and „anti-European.”

The two opposition parties consider the „so-called reform” tailored against the patients as it restricts the right to health protection for most of the population.

„The real beneficiaries of this mimed reform are the people with good incomes”, writes the motion.

The Government assuming responsibility for this reform package represents an „irresponsible deed” and „an adventure that the Romanian Parliament will sanction drastically,” say some representatives of the opposition.

The Oppositions’ motion is another proof of demagogy and populism, says prime minister Calin Popescu Tariceanu. According to the premier taking part to the joint session of the Parliament, this is an attempt of those trying to maintain the privileges the current status grant them, that is the parliamentarians who are also doctors but cannot fulfill both their missions accordingly.

The Health minister and initiator of the reform package, Eugen Nicolaescu, qualified the opposition attempts as insincere, populist and irresponsible.

The motion is to be debated in joint session of the two Chambers on Tuesday.