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What the newspapers say: March 7, 2011

​Democratic Liberals rejected any integrity criteria as they adopted a new statute which according to PDL member and one of the reformers, Cristian Preda will send a negative message abroad. One of the biggest Romanian exporters, Dacia Renault might consider moving the production of some car models to Morocco. The government is also facing a social threat as 10,000 people threaten to protest at Cluj, central Romania dissatisfied with the new Labour Code. Last but not least, a Romanian stole money from 132 German cards and the main suspects are former employees of the secret services in Romania.

Democratic Liberals rejected the new integrity criteria proposed by party reformers, thus sending a negative message abroad, one of the party reformers Cristian Preda declared for Evenimentul Zilei.

The decision to reject integrity criteria sends a negative message abroad, that in Romania justice is politicized and unreliable. In an interview for the newspaper, Cristian Preda talks about the vote and the future steps for the party.

Currently, the party’s branches are stronger than the National Permanent Office which lead to the rejection of the criteria because, according to Preda, last week there were many voices in the party who agreed with the new integrity criteria.

One of the main problems presented by Preda is that the Democratic Liberal party did not consider the consequences of their actions when they decided not to lift the immunity of a colleague because they cannot rely on the justice system.

How is the European Commission supposed to believe our progresses in justice, Preda wonders.

Gandul reveals that Romania’s biggest exporter, Dacia Renault might consider relocating some of the production to Morocco. The company might consider to freeze new hiring and lay off some of its personnel and also shift some of its production starting 2013 in Morocco. where a new Dacia factory will function.

Dacia’s management was dissatisfied with the exaggerated claims of the unions regarding their salaries, Mioveni mayor Ion Georgescu declared who was present at talks between Dacia officials and local politicians.

Dacia’s general director Jerome Olive informed the passive social partners that the claims of unions regarding their collective labour contract are exaggerated and cannot be covered. However, local politicians said that a solution to please both parties will eventually be found and therefore there is no worry that Dacia might relocate.

Dacia’s unions claim a monthly increase of their salaries by 500 lei and another 700 lei as a bonus for the company’s annual profits for each employee, local newspapers read. Last year, Dacia made exports worth 2.5 billion euro, about 7% of Romania’s total exports.

Currently, only one of ten cars produced by Dacia at Mioveni is sold in Romania.

10,000 people threaten to protest in Cluj, central Romania against the new Labour Code and the government’s plans to take responsibility for it in the Parliament, Romania libera reads. So far, in the last years, each time union leaders announced so many protesters, only half were actually present.

Nonetheless, union leaders are determined to go on with their protests, irrespective of the number that will show up. Union leaders want the new labour code to protect the employee and not the employer.

The rally is scheduled for today, at 2 PM downtown Cluj and will continue across town. If the law will pass, unions threaten with a strike protest and other actions.

Gandul reads, quoting about a 36 years old Romania, on trial these days in Germany, accused of sabotage, falsification of cards and stealing. The Romania is part of a criminal network that prejudiced 132 people by 140,000 euro.

German police suspects that the gang leaders are former secret services employees in Romania, who know how to steal personal data.

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