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Initiative Media: Romania media market to drop 9% in 2010, Internet is only medium to see a rise in ad spend

Total net ad spend in Romania would drop by a further 9% to 308 million euro in 2010, following a 37% fall in 2009, Initiative Media Romania says in its Media Fact Book 2010 report, published on Wednesday. According to the report, Internet would be the only medium to see an improvement this year.

According to Initiative Media estimations, total ad spend would reach this year the level of TV ad spend in 2007 and would remain bellow the total ad spend of 2006.

Initiative Media estimations 2010 vs. 2009:

  • TV ad spend – drop from 222 million euro to 209 million euro
  • Print – drop from 37 million euro to 27 million euro
  • Radio – drop from 25 to 23 million euro
  • OOH – drop from 42 to 35 million euro
  • Internet/Cinema – rise from 13 to 14 million euro (Note: According to a recent IAB Romania-PwC report, Romania’s online advertising market stood at 15.4 million euro)