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Kosovo will declare its independence on Sunday, at 17:00h

Local authorities in Kosovo will declared the province as independent – in its relationship with Belgrade – on Sunday at 17:00h (local time), Russian news agency Ria Novosti informs. The statement was made by the Kosovo Prime Minister’s spokesman, after the refuse on Thursday to express any firm date.

According to the international media, Hashim Thaci should have announced on Friday the date when the province is declared independent. The prime minister preferred to answer to questions about the minorities’ rights, instead of offering a firm date.

Serbia announced on Friday that it will not appeal to force in case the province claims its independence, but warned it will impose other sanctions. Russia warned on its turn about the risks of having Kosovo independent and recognized, given the potential destabilization and example for other similar separatist provinces.

The Kosovo Parliament adopted on Friday a resolution which allows the adoption of an entire new pack of laws in 24 hours, all of them molding on the Kosovo independence regime. 70 deputies were in favor of the resolution, while 4 were absent.

Also on Friday, the European Union decided that its civil mission to Kosovo should begin on Saturday. The EU mission, formed by 2,000 persons, will include Romanian Police and gendarmes.