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Romania ex-President Iliescu is most trustworthy Social Democrat, poll shows

Former Romanian President Ion Iliescu is trusted most among Social Democratic (PSD) politicians, a new poll shows.

The former leader, now honorary president of the main opposition party in Romania and facing a series of serious charges over his first post-communist term as head of state, is trusted more than incumbent president of the PSD Mircea Geoana, according to a Public Opinion Barometer published by polling group IMAS, Romanian news agencies read today.

It is for the first time for years that Iliescu’s name comes up among most trustworthy political personalities for Romanians.

On the first position is President Traian Basescu, while his main supporters, the Democratic Party (PD), garner 50% of vote intentions among Romanian voters.

56% of Romanians consider that the country is heading in a wrong direction while 34% sustain that the current government is worse than the former.

56% of the population trusts the current Romanian president, while 33% would vote for populist businessman-politician Gigi Becali, the owner of Romanian football team Steaua.

Theodor Stolojan, leader of the newly formed Liberal Democratic Party (PLD, also supporting President Basescu), enjoys the trust of 31% of the population, while PD leader Emil Boc and PSD’s Ion Iliescu report 18% support each.

Current Social Democratic leader Mircea Geoana falls to 16% while Romanian PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu, a Liberal, receives only 13%.

If Parliamentary elections would be held this Sunday, the Democrats would win with 50%, while the Social Democrats would receive 15% and the Liberals – 10%.

The survey was conducted between June 9-17 2007 with an error margin of 2.9%.