Shock in Ukraine: Ukrainian President Yushchenko demands investigation of PM Yulia Timoshenko for state treason
Ukraine’s presidency announced on Monday the submission of a written request to investigate Ukraine’s incumbent PM, Yulia Timoshenko, for presumed state treason and political corruption. Timoshenko, in an open conflict with Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko is accused of state treason in favor of Russia.
Ukrainian Presidency’s Deputy Chief Secretary Andrey Kinslinky said, quoted by the UNIAN news agency, that Russia plans to support Yulia Timoshenko’s candidacy for President in the upcoming presidential elections.
According to, Timoshenko is Russia’s favorite for her passive position in the Russian-Georgian conflict. Timoshenko declared that she was against the measures adopted by Ukrainian authorities to block the Russian military fleet to transit Ukrainian waters.
According to Ukrainian newspapers, it was very unlikely that Timoshenko would be actually sent to court. Moreover, experts declared that the President wants to pressure the Prime Minister to adopt a clear cut anti-Russian attitude.