Supreme Defense Council sends National Defense Strategy to Parliament: Document includes ordered press campaigns and demographic trends as threats to national security
The fragility of the international financial system and extremist movements are included among the main risks and threats to Romania’s national security in the framework of vulnerabilities caused by organised crime, corruption, and „ordered” press campaigns, according to the National Defense Strategy submitted by the Supreme Defense Council of Romania (CSAT) to Parliament. The document also says foreign troops in Transdniester are a threat to the national security of the country.
The CSAT mentions in the document the phenomenon of ordered press campaigns [that is, press campaigns ordered by an entity against other political or commercial entities – author’s note], aimed at spreading fals information about the activity of state institutions and identifies „pressure put by media groups on political decision making with the purpose of obtaining economic advantages or advantages in relation with state institutions”.
Another vulnerability identified by the CSAT speaks of budget issues caused by wrong political decisions as well as the lack of a coherent mechanism of prediction, planning and control to support budget management in a multianual system, based on results.
The document also speaks of downward demographic trends, the degradation of family cohesion and the low quality of educational services.
CSAT mainly identifies the extension of ways terrorism can act at international level and the apparition of new risks caused by religious extremism, cyber-terrorism and propaganda in the virtual media.
Other threats mentioned in the document:
- proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, development of balistic missile programs
- national and cross-border organised crime
- environmental changes, pandemics and public health risks
CSAT identifies as a risk the high level of instability and insecurity in the Black Sea region and the uncertain situation in Western Balkans.
The national defense strategy also mentions the foreign troops deployed in the Republic of Moldova, close to Romania borders, as a threat to national security. The document does not speak of Russian troops that Moscow says are deployed to maintain peace in Transdniester – the breakaway republic in the eastern part of the Republic of Moldova.